Monday, April 29, 2013



Thousands download FREE make peace tattoo designs

Thousands download free make peace symbol tattoo designs. The New Make Peace symbol for proactive peace making is sweeping aside the classic peace sign tattoo. The new symbol has strong visual tattoo designs, as well as huge "street cred" since over 4000 New York City artists have adopted the new symbol into street artworks, tagging and more. Along with the New York artists, Miami, Paris, Berlin Denmark, India have also joined in effort to spread the new symbol.
It is expected considering that 70 percent of all adults in the U.S. alone have at least one tattoo, that the quality and new symbol design will reach nearly 50 million people in the next few months online. Thus the Make peace symbol will be sweeping the world in so many new ways, tattoos, activists, street & graffiti artist, sculptures and artworks, murals and more.

Make Peace.

Free make peace tattoos:



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Saturday, April 20, 2013

4000 NYC street artists use NEW Make Peace Sign!

4000 NYC street artists use NEW Make Peace Sign!


Thousands more graffiti artists join in globally!

By Terry Milest

4000 Street and graffiti artists and more each day in New York City alone have joined in using the New Make Peace symbol in their street and graffiti art. 10,000 day glow stickers with the symbol will also be put up all over the major art and fashion centers of the city, as a major art exhibit will open in Sept, 2013 in NYC. Along with this major art dealers of the 1980's graffiti art world will be joining in, with artists world wide from Paris, Germany, Italy, England, Japan, Iran, and Egypt , thus expanding the global numbers to well over 15,000 world wide street artists. Art galleries in India, Paris, and San Francisco are also working to exhibit these works in a "Make Peace Project, 100,000 New Symbol Walls" traveling global art exhibition of the thousands of artwork photographs of public street artworks using the new global symbol.

Major Press articles in Los Angeles and San Francisco, with full interviews have already taken place, attracting street artists groups and crews to create the "largest single collective artwork in the history of the 21st century art". Museums such as MOCAD the museum of contemporary art Detroit have also been contacted for special follow up art museum exhibition: "Make Peace in Mike Kelly's Basement" exhibition of the street artworks there.

Make Peace Project: 100,000 NEW symbol walls Poster

MAKE PEACE SYMBOL, also sticker now being posted in NYC

Artist planning for MAKE PEACE SYMBOL public artworks

For more info and articles etc:

Facebook Exhibit Information page:

Tags: New York art, New York street art, street art, New York Graffiti, New York Arts, New York News, World street art, Global street art, Peace sign, Peace symbol, Graffiti