Friday, December 7, 2012


Make Peace art selected for Super bowl & Mardi Gras Billboard display
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest
Dec. 2012

The Make Peace project artworks have been selected by New Orleans and CBS news & media for display during the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras 2012. Reaching millions with it's message in a city or rebirth, heart, hope and peace.

Make Peace Project New Orleans
Make Peace Bill Board design by artist Paul-Felix Montez

The BillBoard above will be part of the NEW ORLEANS & CBS NEWS & MEDIA artists billboards on display throughout the SUPER BOWL & MARDI GRAS 2013 on the main route to both the Super Bowl and main Mardi Gras parade routes. It is truly a major Honor to be selected: 
Project organizers: "You're IN and honestly I'm so pumped to have your work and message be part of this I'm getting even more excited, that you will be part of it. There were dozens of submissions I could respond to but your work and message is needed here during this time and I'd like you to display with us in New Orleans the city of rebirth, hope and peace."
Make peace artworks by artist Paul-Felix Montez, can be seen at the website below. But this is not the only Make Peace NEWS, a group of individuals led by Mathew Ryan, has started an online petition for a Make Peace sculpture and Peace park in Las Vegas. Mr. Ryan stated: "It is time to change the culture, to one of dignity and live-ablity for those who live and work here, giving us a true future".

Monday, December 3, 2012


Silicone Valley joins in and supports Make Peace Project Las Vegas
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest
Dec. 2012

Why would  a creator and owner of Mac Week, and world TED lecturer on innovative trends, join in and sign the online petition for the LAS VEGAS MAKE PEACE PROJECT?

Micheal Tchong, Founder of MacWeek and Atelier Systems, Atelier developed "Hello", an innovative personal communication manager for the Macintosh, and presently global TED innovation lecturer and president of Social Revolution®,, signed the online petition and endorsed the Make peace project as, "A truly great idea".

Already the 3 month old, MAKE PEACE PROJECT is growing on various social media networks by 2500 followers a week world wide. The Make Peace project has designed a sculpture which stand 60 feet tall and is seeking a "peace park" in Las Vegas. This would be a major cultural shift from, its past history of violence and greed into a world of Peace, livability and dignity for all. To find out more and sign the online petition:

To see how vast the MAKE PEACE PROJECT IS;

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter, Malala Yousafzai, Women's rights, women and education

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Peace Economics in Danger Zones!

 Peace Economics can stop wars, why?
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest
Oct. 2012  
Webcast: This event will be webcast live beginning at 10:00am EDT on October 23, 2012 at Online viewers will be able to engage panelists and each other through live chat and Twitter discussions (Hashtag: #PeaceEcon).
PeaceCreating a sound economic policy and a stable macroeconomic framework is essential to societies recovering from violent conflict, yet few practitioners have the background needed to apply economic concepts effectively. USIP’s new publication titled “Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-Afflicted States” provides a concise but broad overview of practical ways that sound macroeconomic fundamentals could be used to build stability in states that are affected by violent conflict.
peaceThe discussion extends beyond economic principles into the wider realm of social reconstitution, social contract, and social capital. Co-authors, Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne, examine recent case studies and illustrate the applicability of concepts presented in the book.

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter, Malala Yousafzai, Women's rights, women and education

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Thursday, October 18, 2012


Peace Maker News world wide
By Terry Miest 
Oct. 2012

This is a guest post from Megan Kearns. It originally appeared at The Opinioness of the World.

When we discuss war and security, we don’t often explore its ramifications on women. Rape and sexual assault are common threats women face globally. But of all the artillery and tactics soldiers use, we rarely think of rape as a weapon of war. And yet too often, it is.

On Tuesday night, I watched I Came to Testify, the first in the 5-part documentary series, Women, War and Peace, on PBS showcasing women’s role in war and its impact on women. Produced and written by Pamela Hogan, one of the series’ executive producers, I Came to Testify highlights the courageous women who testified about the rape camps during the Bosnian genocide.

The powerful film examines women’s horrific experiences in the town of Foca in Bosnia (formerly Yugoslavia), a site of one of the rape camps. Before the Bosnian War, journalist Refic Hodzic said that brotherhood and unity was the “ideology” in Yugoslavia; “no one cared who was Croat, who was Serb, who was Muslim." But overnight, things changed. Many Serbs pulled their children out of school and fled town. The Bosnian Muslims were eventually dehumanized by Serbian soldiers, pitting neighbor against neighbor.

In Foca, soldiers rounded up the Bosnian men, women and children. Men “were beaten, starved and executed in concentration camps” while the women “were locked in hotels, schools, private homes & makeshift prisons around the city." After they were gathered, the rapes began. Soldiers threatened women; to cut off their breasts, slit their throats and kill their daughters. Hundreds of women and girls were held captive in rape camps.

Established by the United Nations Security Council in 1993, the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands was the first tribunal established in Europe since Nuremberg and the first ever convened during a war. 16 women agreed to travel to The Hague to share their nightmarish ordeal. As narrator Matt Damon (who wanted to be a part of the documentary because of his 4 daughters) said: 
"Their testimonies would embody the experience of hundreds of women held captive in Foca."
One of the witnesses, called Witness 99 to protect her anonymity, recounted how on the day they were rounded up, she was raped in front of her in-laws and then they were murdered in front of her. Witness 99 escaped to a refugee camp where the horror of rape continued. Another witness said she "cried and pleaded" for the soldiers to let her go "but they just laughed." Another witness testified that one of the soldiers told another, "You have to learn how to rape Muslim women like we are doing." The women said fear "paralyzed" them.

In Foca, half the residents, 20,000 Muslims were just gone. All 14 mosques were destroyed. Evidence in Foca showed that a campaign could be built to prove that a systematic, organized campaign of rape had been "used as an instrument of terror." While the UN estimated 20,000 women raped in Bosnia, others say it was more like 50,000.

Peggy Kuo served as a trial attorney with the tribunal. She declared that "rape has always been an undercurrent of war." When talking about war, the term "rape and pillage" frequently arises. But we don’t really think about what the words mean. Kuo said the soldiers raped the women, objectifying them and attempting "to strip them of their identity." Journalist Hodzic explained: 
"Rape was used not only for the immediate impact on women but for the long-term destruction on the soul of the community."
Witness 99 asserted:
"Rape is the worst form of humiliation for any woman. But that was the goal: to kill a woman's dignity."
The women heroically faced their fears to share their stories. They were astutely deemed heroes by those interviewed in the film. As Kuo articulated:
"…The people who came and testified were able to maintain their dignity and they didn't let the perpetrators take their humanity away from them. So yes in one sense they were victims. But in another sense, they were the strong ones. They survived."
While rape had been charged as a crime before, it usually falls under the umbrella of hate crimes. With this groundbreaking tribunal, for the first time rape was charged as "a crime against humanity." The case wouldn’t prevent all rapes. But Kuo said that even though they couldn’t prosecute every rape, it was a significant statement to acknowledge what happens to women during war. The case "transformed the definition of wartime slavery," laying the "foundation of trials involving violence against women in international courts."

War leaves devastation in its wake. Yet historically, when we talk about war, we talk about it in terms of soldiers and casualties; too often from a male perspective, forgetting that it equally destroys women’s lives. Kuo explained:
"Looking at pictures of Nuremberg, it's mostly men...women aren't given a place at the table, even as a witness..."
And that still holds true today. We need to reframe security issues from a gendered lens.

Genocide frighteningly still occurs; people systematically killed because of their ethnicity, religion or the color of their skin. As tragically seen in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, soldiers utilize rape as a weapon of war again and again. Rape and sexual assault occur beyond conflicts and don’t only threaten women as men face rape in wartime too. It’s an epidemic we must combat.

Bravery bolstered the 16 Bosnian women to come forward, speaking out against the unspeakable atrocities they survived. As Witness 99 so eloquently said:
"War criminals wouldn't be known & there would be no justice if witnesses didn't testify…I was glad to be able to say what happened to me and to say who had done this to me & my people. I felt like I had fulfilled my duty. I came to look him in the face. I came to testify."
We live in a rape culture that continually silences women’s narratives. The survivors’ horrific experiences shock and haunt. If we ever hope to change things and obtain justice and peace, I Came to Testify reminds us that women’s voices must be heard.

Watch the full episode of I Came to Testify online or on PBS.

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter, Malala Yousafzai, Women's rights, women and education

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Monday, October 15, 2012

PEACE Malala Yousafzai WOMEN'S RIGHTS!


For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Oct. 2012

The United States used as one of it's excuses for the IRAQI WAR, women's rights, and that they were going to bring educational equality to Women in both Iraqi and Aphganistan. The results so far are dismal, of the promised thousands of schools available only a hundred are functioning, and most do not include girls.

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai women's right to education, shot by Taliban

When it comes to making War, and finding in this 21st century world a reason the U.S. has led the way, while at Home, women's equality of equal pay, as well as Pro choice rights, are being dealt blow after blow by the U.S. Congress and Presidential candidates. The question is, can the U.S. find at home or globally a policy for women's rights which does not exploit them and only make, "promises"?

Malala Yousafzai now hospitalized in Pakistan and her life threatened, is but one heroic women's efforts for education, yet where is the U.S. outcry, nearly mute. Will this double standard now cost hundreds of lives, while the U.S. still fights it's war at home and abroad against women?

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter, Malala Yousafzai, Women's rights, women and education

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PeaceOmatic Video Goes OCCUPY Viral!
 Occupy Movement embracing comic video! 
Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Movement
Article by J. Heald
Video By: Paul Montez
October 14 2012 3:02

PeaceOmatic World of Peace Making Humor, the only one of it’s kind anywhere in the world! New PeaceOmatic Book on your sides will split and you”ll be able to take any old joke, chicken crossing road, Polish, Catholic, Jewish, Russian, duck in a bar jokes and make them in minutes into PeaceOmatic Jokes!

PeaceOmatic Mania goes viral click to SEE IT!
 Video VIMEO:

In the video comic parody of Peace making  are "Clint Eastwood" "Charlie Sheen" "Paris Hilton" "Hilary Clinton" "Mitt Romney" "Ellem Degeneres" "Vladimir Putin" Putin "Bill Maher" "Stephen Colbert" "Oprah Winfrey" "Bill Clinton" "Betty White" "Billy Graham" "Donal Trump" "Jane Fonda" "Jennifer Aniston" "Sarah Palin" "Vampires" "The Onion" "Comedy Central" and "Barack Obama" all with a take on what peace is or is not to them, while playing off on each other.

Its fun, and a funny look at what makes peace in our world.

Visit: and see the world of Peace making through a whole new set of comic eyes!

Article link:

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter, Malala Yousafzai, Women's rights, women and education

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Friday, October 12, 2012


 PeaceOmatic jumps in as Conan O'Brien & William Shatner face off with Phasers on full!

For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Oct. 2012

star trek
William Shatner Captain Star Trek tears Conan O'Brien a new one!

Your hearing it First Star Trek fans! Yes Conan O'Brien was called out by William Shatner "the Captain" of Star Trek fame, to to cave in or face the full blast of the Star ship Enterprise, and he wasn't talking about stun. Conan's remarks about using Klingon tactics, got Shatner boiling. "Klingon who?" was heard muttered and then came the big guns! Full star ship Enterprise comeback! Then it got nasty when Captain Shatner had to hose down O'Brien that way, but the Peace-O-Omatic jumped in and intergalactic peace was restored, in an instant, at least for now.

The full TWITTER EXCHANGE as it happen, stun to stun:

Conan O'Brien ‏@ConanOBrien .@WilliamShatner accused me of stealing the line "Hey Gang." Set phasers to "slander".                   

William ShatnerVerified ‏@WilliamShatner @ConanOBrien We can settle this like men. You bring your phaser; I'll bring the Enterprise and we'll see what happens when I set my phasers go

Make Peace ‏@MakePeaceArt @WilliamShatner @ConanOBrien turning Ugly Guys time for the @Peace_O_matic new book ;

Peace was made for the first time on the planet using the PeaceOmatic book and so was intergalactic history on it's third day after Amazon Book release, Wow!

To get this amazing Peace making joke humor book click the link above, make peace!

PeaceOmatic World Peace Jokes Works!

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech,Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mayor Carolyn Goodman, Tony Heish, Zappos, Burning Man, Downtown project, Sonny Ahuja, Nancy Deaner, Bill Arent, Conan O'Brien, William Shatner, Star Trek, Phaser, twitter

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


  The FREE Peace Tech Solutions Inventory awaits!


For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Sept. 2012


Open-source technologies are playing a pivotal role in helping non-profit organizations around the world to advance their mandates in innovative ways. These tools can variously help with visualizing data on specific issues, empowering citizens to act together on a common issue, communicating and organize community stakeholders, warning communities about potential problems, soliciting community input on new initiatives, etc. While these are not inherently "peace technologies," they can help be powerful tools that help to empower communities and promote social change anywhere.


Ushahidi is an open-source, mapping tool that allows people to use mobile phones or computers to submit reports – anonymously in some cases – on a particular issue. It is used for a variety of reasons and in widely different contexts. Here are a few examples of how Ushahidi has been used successfully used across the globe:
• Ushahidi was originally developed and used in Kenya to map the violence that spread across the country following the 2007 election. It was used again in 2010 as Uchaguzi to monitor the results of the constitutional referendum.
• Egyptian’s are using Ushahidi to report and map incidents of sexual harassment and violence through HarassMap
• In Haiti, it was used to help report and plan for the crisis that followed the earthquake in January of 2010. This helped to save the lives of many people under the rubble.
• In the Sudan, Ushahidi was used to monitor the results of the independence referendum.
• In India Ushahidi has been used as an elections monitoring tool.

FrontLine SMS

Frontline SMS is a technology that enables Ushahidi. Using mobile phone or computer, it allows users to send and receive text messages with groups of people through mobile phones. It is used by non-profit organizations to reach specific groups of individuals within a target community, enabling them to: run an awareness raising campaign, launch a competition, administer text-based surveys and keep in touch with fieldworkers and staff.
This technology is being used in Egypt to support the HarassMap sexual harassment mapping technology. It is also being used by ‘Plan International’ to strengthen both local and national reporting of trafficking and violence in Benin. It was used in Burundi to support peacekeeping during the 2010 elections in Burundi.

Freedom Fone

Freedom Fone is a platform that enables automated, interactive, two-way, audio information to be shared through mobile phone networks. Freedom Fone is accessible, user-friendly, low-cost, scalable, global and does not require Internet access for users or callers. It targets ordinary mobile phone users and takes advantage of IVR: Interactive Voice Response or audio voice menus. This means that it can be used to reach and collect information from people who are illiterate, who do not speak the same language, and who have longer messages to convey. Other functionality includes SMS, Polls and Leave-a-Message.


MxIt is a free tool that allows users with even very basic mobile phones to do much more, including chatting to individuals or groups find people who share common interests, gain access to more information inexpensively, conduct transactions, and more. It is being used by organizations such as South Africa’s Cell Life to access remote communities towards improving access to information and to improve communications with people affected by HIV/ AIDS.


CiviCRM is a free, web-based and open source relationship management solution designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups. CiviCRM is a powerful contact, fundraising and eCRM system that allows user to record and manage information about their volunteers, donors, employees, clients, vendors, etc. It further enables organizations to track and execute donations, transactions, conversations,
events or any type of correspondence with each constituent and store it all in one, easily accessible and manageable source.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


 Peace art based on the peace symbol, in a city known for sin, and sleaze like Las Vegas?

For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Oct. 2012

Seems Las Vegas has people living in it not completely devoted to gamboling and the "Vegas neon strip". Rather it seems this group wants a Make Peace Art Sculpture Monument, to be located somewhere in the city. For a city that celebrates it's violent past, with "The Mob Museum" this would be such a radical shift, to a higher purpose. The group states: "This is to have a new vision of the city, livable, concerned with greater things rather than escapism, and self indulgence, alone. We want something to build a city's values with and inspire those who live and visit here to a more positive view of who Las Vegas citizens are and what as a city Vegas could be, especially for new business not based in gamboling and sexual allure alone."

Las Vegas the capitol of excess at least when it comes to over sized theme park style displays, tons of neon lights and suburban sprawl, ever accept an artwork that addresses "peace making"? Will the proposed sixty foot tall sculpture budgeted at $360,000 dollars find a home in the city's downtown, where the Zappos corporation is trying to create a new image for creative, high tech business', and living? Discussion with Zappos' Representatives for their "Downtown project" new arts festivals, music etc. have begun. Zappos' CEO Tony Heish recently stated he is investing $465 million dollars into housing, business development, incubator parks, dinning etc. and relocating their corporate headquarters there for a "new" silicon valley style business world. Could such a sculpture monument fit into their plans, or elsewhere in the "New Vegas" as many are calling this revitalization effort?

The Make peace sculpture, one has to admit, definitely has a powerful message and elegant look, but can it fit into Vegas' image of "What happens here stays here" and is often joked, "All Your money" after gamboling and strip clubs? Is it a city that cares about such values as "Making Peace"? A few brave peace makers in the city obviously think so. Take a look for yourself, at the artist's concept drawing in front of Las Vegas' new Smith Center cultural  building downtown:

Peace sign
"Make Peace Sculpture Monumentt" in Las Vegas Downtown concept drawing

To find out more about this project email:  Las Vegas Make Peace Monument Project

 To see this artist sculptor's work visit the web site:

Tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims, Las Vegas, Las Vegas downtown, Downtown project, Zappos, Tony Heish, Las Vegas Peace Project, Las Vegas Peace Monument, Nevada

Monday, October 1, 2012


Global Citizen Festival, With Neil Young, to Combat Poverty

Julie Glassberg for The New York Times
Global Citizen Festival Neil Young and Crazy Horse played in Central Park on Saturday as part of this event organized to combat poverty around the world. More Photos »

The headliner was Neil Young with Crazy Horse, the band that has perfected rock as a primordial stomp. Sharing the lineup were guitar-driven bands that have obviously listened closely to Mr. Young through the years: Foo Fighters, the Black Keys and Band of Horses. It was a narrow, old-school, all-male slice of rock, with a hint of internationalism for starters: the rapper and singer K’Naan, who was born in Somalia and now lives in Canada (and whose band included a female keyboardist). An unannounced guest, John Legend, sang John Lennon’s vision of global citizenship, “Imagine.”
Mr. Young’s set was molten and unkempt, yet it had his own kind of finesse. He and Crazy Horse, on their first tour since 2004, often huddled near the center of the stage, bobbing back and forth until their heads nearly touched, and their songs sometimes welled up out of a caldron of drone and distortion. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Peace-O-Matic Great Peace Teacher!

 PeaceOMatic FREE APP teaches daily lessons in Peace making!

For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Sept. 2012

Peace-O-matic FREE APP teaching daily lessons in peacemaking. Have Apps finally gone from where is the grocery store and pizza shop to human philosophical and psychological thought for making peace? Yes, drawing on a known scientific study fact: The more you think "Peace" the more you feel peaceful, and the more you make peace an option in your interactions with others. Yes, that's a proven fact world wide.

Peace Joke
Get the Peace-O-Matic FREE APP at

But really how many of us can use a stress reduction peace quote twittered to us, or texts to us everyday, to chill, cool out, and reduce stress? How many of us really know how to "make peace", versus the great abstract idea of "Peace"? World Peace is overwhelming without help for any of us, and having insights, humor, and methods shown to us every day, can help us pave the wave to a more peaceful life, and world. Thank you Peace-O-Matic!

On twitter and Facebook you'll find "Pooches for Peace uses PeaceOmatic" or "Pope uses PeaceOmatic" and much more peaceful silly humor for you daily.

Follow PeaceOmatic On:

Twitter:  Peace_O_matic 
Facebook: PeaceOmatic


tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech Peace Humor, Peace joke, Peace Jokes, Peace Comedy

Thursday, September 27, 2012


 U.S. 'Internet in a Suitcase' hurts Repressive Governments

For Immediate Release:
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest

Sept. 2012

The United States "Peace in a suitcase program" effort to maintain Internet and mobile phone service for citizens in countries where repressive governments use censorship or shut down telecommunications in the face of dissent.

Next time you travel Overseas you could pack light, & end up working for the U.S. State dept.

 The State Department-led project involves the building of independent phone networks in foreign countries and the creation of a $2-million prototype "Internet in a suitcase" by an entrepreneurial outfit operating out of a building on L Street in Washington, D.C., The New York Times reported.

The idea is to fit innocent-looking hardware components into a package that could easily be taken into a repressive country and quickly assembled to deliver wireless service across a wide area to maintain crucial communications between legitimately protesting citizens, according to The Times, which cited "dozens of interviews, planning documents and classified diplomatic cables" it obtained.

"We see more and more people around the globe using the Internet, mobile phones and other technologies to make their voices heard as they protest against injustice and seek to realize their aspirations," Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was quoted as saying by the paper.

"There is a historic opportunity to effect positive change, change America supports. So we're focused on helping them do that, on helping them talk to each other, to their communities, to their governments and to the world."
In addition to the "Internet-in-a-suitcase" project, the State Department is funding "stealth wireless networks" in Iran, Syria, and Libya, among other countries.

Foggy Bottom and the Pentagon are also teaming up on a $50-million project to build an independent cellphone network in Afghanistan—where the Taliban has been able to shut down service "seemingly at will" —with cell towers located on military bases in the country, the newspaper reported.

The "Arab Spring" uprisings of the past several months have drawn attention to network shutdowns and censorship conducted by regimes under threat like the Syrian and Egyptian governments as they attempt to stifle protesting citizens' ability to communicate with each other and to inform the outside world of what's going on in the protest zones.

The Times noted that the Obama administration's "shadow" Internet project is ambitious, but could be considered a next step in decades-long U.S. efforts to foster democratic, potentially U.S.-friendly movements in countries with hostile regimes through media like its Voice of America radio broadcasts.

The various projects incorporate both U.S. government-developed technologies and "tools that have already been created by hackers in a so-called liberation-technology movement sweeping the globe." 

Hey, there can be no peace until everybody has home internet service world wide, right? 

tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app Dennis Miller, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie McDonald, Steve Carell. Steve Carell, Steve Carell, Larry King Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master, Islam, Muslim video, Anti Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims,  born this way, Lady Gaga Geek, geeks for peace, peace geek, love, unity, freedom, democracy, geek wear, geek clothes, geek fashion, geek tech

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 Will Apple Inc. face Peace and lose profits as Chinese workers riot for human rights?
Peace Maker News world wide



Riot at Foxconn Apple's Factory Underscores Rift in China


Workers and onlookers near an entrance of Foxconn’s troubled industry park in Taiyuan, China.

SHANGHAI — The images and video began to appear on Chinese social networking sites early Monday: buildings with shattered windows, overturned police cars, huge crowds of young people milling about in the dark and riot police in formation.
The online postings were from a disturbance late Sunday that shut down a manufacturing facility in Taiyuan in north China, where 79,000 workers were employed.
State-run news media said 5,000 police officers had to be called in to quell a riot that began as a dispute involving a group of workers and security guards at a factory dormitory.
The unrest was noteworthy because the factory site is managed by Foxconn Technology, one of the world’s biggest electronics manufacturers and an important supplier to companies like Apple, Dell, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. 

A spokesman for Foxconn said the company was investigating the cause of the incident. But analysts say worker unrest in China has grown more common because workers are more aware of their rights, and yet have few outlets to challenge or negotiate with their employers.
When they do, though, the results can be ugly and, because of social media and the Web, almost instantly transmitted to the world in their rawest and most unfiltered form.
“At first it was a conflict between the security guards and some workers,” said a man who was reached by telephone after he posted images online. The man said he was a Foxconn employee. “But I think the real reason is they were frustrated with life.”
The company said that as many as 2,000 workers were involved in the incident but that it was confined to an employee dormitory and “no production facilities or equipment have been affected.” 

Nonetheless, the plant was closed, the company said.
Foxconn, which is based in Taiwan and employs more than 1.1 million workers in China, declined to say whether the Taiyuan plant made products for the Apple iPhone 5, which went on sale last week. A spokesman said the factory supplied goods to many consumer electronics brands. An employee at the Taiyuan plant said iPhone components were made there. 

Supply-chain experts say most Apple-related production takes place in other parts of China, particularly in the provinces of Sichuan, Guangdong and Henan.
Apple referred questions to Foxconn. 

Labor unrest in Taiyuan, in northern China’s Shanxi Province, comes as strikes and other worker protests appear to be increasing in frequency this year compared with last year, said Geoffrey Crothall, spokesman for the China Labor Bulletin, a nonprofit advocacy group in Hong Kong seeking collective bargaining and other protections for workers in mainland China.
Many of the protests this year appear to be related to the country’s economic slowdown, as employees demand the payment of overdue wages from financially struggling companies, or insist on compensation when money-losing factories in coastal provinces are closed and moved to lower-cost cities in the interior.
But the level of labor unrest in China this year has not yet matched 2010, when a surge in inflation sparked a wave of worker demands for higher pay, Mr. Crothall said.
The Taiyuan protest comes at a politically delicate time in China, with a Communist Party Congress expected in the coming weeks to anoint a new general secretary and a new slate of members for the country’s most powerful body, the Standing Committee of the Politburo.
The government has been tightening security ahead of the conclave through measures like restricting the issuance of visas and devoting considerable resources to watching and containing disturbances like the recent anti-Japanese demonstrations. (continued)

For more as this is an excerpt from the N.Y. Times article: click here:

Sunday, September 23, 2012


  International Peace day spreading, where were you?
Peace Maker News world wide
Where were you, what were you doing? Did you take a moment to make peace? Did you communicate it was a united world peace day, working to make peace? Did you think of freeing all those struggling in poverty, war, hate to live in peace and how you might make peace? Did you think of what really happens when Peace is a reality in your community, town city, country, world and planet? Make peace:

The following images are from the Huffinting post:

peace and love

peace corp