Friday, December 7, 2012


Make Peace art selected for Super bowl & Mardi Gras Billboard display
Peace Maker News world wide
Terry Milest
Dec. 2012

The Make Peace project artworks have been selected by New Orleans and CBS news & media for display during the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras 2012. Reaching millions with it's message in a city or rebirth, heart, hope and peace.

Make Peace Project New Orleans
Make Peace Bill Board design by artist Paul-Felix Montez

The BillBoard above will be part of the NEW ORLEANS & CBS NEWS & MEDIA artists billboards on display throughout the SUPER BOWL & MARDI GRAS 2013 on the main route to both the Super Bowl and main Mardi Gras parade routes. It is truly a major Honor to be selected: 
Project organizers: "You're IN and honestly I'm so pumped to have your work and message be part of this I'm getting even more excited, that you will be part of it. There were dozens of submissions I could respond to but your work and message is needed here during this time and I'd like you to display with us in New Orleans the city of rebirth, hope and peace."
Make peace artworks by artist Paul-Felix Montez, can be seen at the website below. But this is not the only Make Peace NEWS, a group of individuals led by Mathew Ryan, has started an online petition for a Make Peace sculpture and Peace park in Las Vegas. Mr. Ryan stated: "It is time to change the culture, to one of dignity and live-ablity for those who live and work here, giving us a true future".

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