Monday, September 10, 2012

Peace Monuments For Sale

News Release:
Sept. 10, 2012
by Terry Milest
Peace Newsmakers: contact

Giant granite obelisks weighing 15 tons each in the desert near Los Alamos, to bronze sculptures of child offering flowers, a world of peace monuments for sale lives on line.
The obelisks are white granite at Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA site of the first atomic bomb's creation called the  "Doomsday stones" desiring to bring an end to nuclear weapons.

The monuments vary from three World Peace Bells outside building in which they were cast at Oigo Bell Works, Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture (Japan). Last three bells cast for the World Peace Bell Association (WPBA) of Tokyo (Japan). To a maker of Peace poles, carved wooden poles with colors.The newest entry though is a completely accessible, stunning stainless steel series of sculptures named "the make peace sculptures" by Paul-Felix Montez. Some of these stand 60 feet forming a Make Peace Tower on a footprint of 22x22 feet.  All have a powerful message to inspire Peace.

VisitPeace Monuments for Sale Website
Make PEACE Tower sculpture Concept drawing Paul-Felix Montez 2012

VisitPeace Monuments for Sale Website

Tagged: peace, peacemaker, world peace, world unity, peace monuments, green, green living, peace sign, peace symbol, art, sculpture, contemporary art, news, world news, peacemaking, free peacemaker web tools, free peacemaker web app #peace #wheresThePeace #Dnc2012 #Syria #Eygpt #Libiya 

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